Hello from LocalLiving

3 min readNov 25, 2020

Welcome, and thank you for reading the first article written by the LocalLiving team. We’re a startup based in Seattle with one goal, to give small business owners the information and tools they need to grow their businesses. This isn’t any easy task by any means, nor do we think we have all the answers. Our mission is to learn from the wonderful local businesses our communities depend on and empower them.

What do we offer?

We currently offer a completely free reward application that enables business owners to reward their best customers. We are working on expanding this application with some cool features such as instant push notifications to customers and customizable reports generated to help you identify areas of growth and improvement.

In addition to this, we are offering our help as growth consultants to help small businesses identify ways to grow revenue and adapt to changing market conditions. Think of us like personal trainers focused on improving your ability to grow your business using the latest tools and techniques in the industry. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out! We’d love to chat and learn more about the challenges you may be facing.

Is LocalLiving a good fit for your business?

The short answer is yes! When you think about the companies and products we depend on daily (Amazon, Google, Safeway/Krogers, etc) they all have dedicated marketing and growth teams that enable them to solve the problems we care about and give us products we are willing to pay for.

The challenges faced by most small business owners are often faced by others. LocalLiving’s goal is to create a community for entrepreneurs, like yourself, and provide them with tools that can solve their problems. You’re not alone, learning from others in your industry can provide a lot of value. Our goal is to use this knowledge to help grow your business.

I’m happy with the way things are now, what’s the point?

Being grateful for the things a person has is always important. In addition to this, more is not always better. Our goal is to help grow your business in a sustainable way that makes you happy. Market conditions change every single day and customer patterns are not easy to understand.

LocalLiving’s mission is to empower small businesses to deal with any change in the market and come out winners in any economy. To do this, we want to provide small business owners with the tools and frameworks needed to understand their customer’s patterns and have more control over the levers they can use to influence customer behavior.

Why should I care about growth at a time like this?

We are living in a very difficult time. Small businesses and even large corporations are closing their doors permanently. Those who remain open are doing so with as low as 30% of their normal income/revenue. Large corporations are taking advantage of this and are growing when it seems like there is no hope. Many cities across the United States have gone into lockdowns forcing businesses to close temporarily or operate with limited capacity/resources. This is not meant to discourage anyone and we truly believe that brighter days are ahead of us.

Larger corporations have created plans to bring their back customers after this pandemic. They realize that while these times are difficult, better days are ahead and they need to prepare strategies for winning back consumers. LocalLiving believes that this should be a priority for small businesses as well. Consumers have developed new habits over this pandemic. What are those patterns? How do they affect your industry? What are other businesses owners doing to prepare? Let’s work together to answer these questions to set your business up for success.




We’re a startup focused on helping small businesses grow. Our goal is to give local businesses the power of having a marketing team at their finger tips.